We Offer:
  • Buyers & Sellers of Existing Homes
  • New & Renovated Home Construction
  • Condos and TownHomes
  • Apartments
  • Manufactured Homes
  • Mobile or RTM Homes
  • Asbestos Bulk Sampling of Materials IE Vermiculite,Insulation,Siding,Wall Coverings etc.
  • Residential & Commercial Bldg. Air Quality Testing for Mold Detection
  • Mold Sampling: Bio-tapes,swabs, Internal wall, Carpets & Bulk Sampling.
  • Electrical Circuit Testers for GFCI's
  • Moisture Meter Testing
Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024


SafeHome Inspections has the tools, testing equipment and qualifications to perform the following inspections:

  • Home
  • Mold
  • Pre-Listing
  • Pools & Hot Tubs
  • Move In Certified

We welcome your inquiry and the opportunity to quote on your requirements  and feel confident you will be pleased with or service.

For a quote or to book your inspection, Please call

(306) 652-4300 or email lmote@safehomeinspection.ca

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