Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

August 2015 – Present (2 years 2 months)

Senior Mortgage Banker

May 2011 – August 2015 (4 years 4 months)

 Originate mortgage loans from referral sources as well as from company provided leads utilizing lead management software

 Interview applicants, analyze financial information, educate and recommend appropriate loan products for clients goals and needs

 Gather all documentation, pricing, product selection, submit complete loan package

 Assist Operations staff to insure smooth process, maintain customer satisfaction throughout

Director of Mortgage Services

All California Brokerage, Inc

August 2007 – May 2011 (3 years 10 months)

 Oversaw mortgage division of a Real Estate Brokerage with 450 realtors

 Handled training of Realtors in loan products and procedures

 Responsible for getting and maintaining approval with Lenders

 Supervised processing and funding through our sister escrow company

 Reported directly to broker weekly through reports and Encompass pipeline

 Developed monthly "mixer" to recruit Realtors into the loan process and develop relationships between our vendors and Realtors to boost loan and escrow sales

 Built loan officer base from 3 when hired to over 45

 Increased loan volume from an average of 3 loans a month to an average of 35 loans a month in a declining market

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