We Offer:
  • Household Moves
  • Local Moving Service
  • Long Distance Moving Service
  • Overseas Moving Service
  • Storage
  • Office Moves
Last Updated: Jul 6, 2024

About Geransky's Moving and Storage

Geransky’s Moving and Storage has been in business since 1979. We are a family owned and operated moving company who takes pride in providing quality service at affordable prices.

We run three 5-ton trucks, a semi truck, and 53 foot trailer all well equipped to facilitate any size of local or long distance move within Saskatchewan.

With our affiliation with Mayflower Canada and our network of Mayflower Members across the world,  Geransky’s Moving and Storage can move you across town, across Canada, to and from the U.S., and overseas.

More Reasons to Choose Geransky’s

  • Local, Established Company with Over 30 Years of Service
  • Fully Insured & Bonded
  • Clean, Careful & Respectful Professional Movers
  • Professional Packers
  • Fully Equipped Clean Reliable Vans


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