We Offer:
  • •Bats, beavers, chipmunks
  • •Coyote foxes, groundhogs
  • •Moles, muskrat, opossum
  • •Pigeon, raccoon, rat
  • •Skunks, sparrows, squirrels
Last Updated: Sep 21, 2024

Basic Wildlife Removal
Basic Wildlife Removal of Fort Wayne, IN has been the a leading provider of pest exclusion services since 1990. If you have problem critters invading your home, we can help!

Our experience and customer service is second to none, and we follow all DNR regulations for the most humane treatment of problem animals.

Our Exclusions Prevent Pests From Entering Your:

•Crawl space

We also repair minor animal damage and our expert chimney cap and screen installation can keep bats, birds, and other nuisances from entering your home.

 For your convenience, we offer a 15 day guarantee on all animal removals and up to 2 years on all bat exclusions.


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