Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025

The Company’s network is a “fiber-to-the-premises” design that is capable of providing up to one gigabyte (1,000 megabytes) of bandwidth to each location (although customers of similar systems do not generally utilize all of the available bandwidth today).

ValuNet utilizes a state-of-the-art local and long-distance packet switch, network routing and related equipment for high-speed broadband data services. This network is designed to provide toll-quality voice services. ValuNet’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) based video platform is designed to deliver state-of-the-art video (television) service with capability for enhanced “over the top” services through the use of expanded internet capabilities.

Unlike first and second-generation CLECs who lease the “last mile” of copper wire from the incumbent phone company to reach customers, ValuNet controls the ValuNet network from end to end. ValuNet therefore does not depend on its primary competitor for the construction, maintenance, repair, and pricing of the connection to its network-based customers. In addition, the extraordinary capacity of the all fiber network allows ValuNet to offer services and data speeds now and in the future that the incumbent phone company and cable company in ValuNet’s markets cannot match with their existing facilities, and that cannot be matched by currently available (or reasonably foreseeable) wireless technology.

In addition to its local network, ValuNet has constructed new high-speed fiber connectivity to other carriers, cities, and the Internet backbone at bandwidth and speeds never before available to Emporia.

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