We Offer:
  • Residential & Commercial Inspection
  • Termite Inspection
  • Radon Inspection
  • Septic Inspection
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025

We'll Save You Time and Money, and Get You Some "Peace of Mind"

Everyone is busy these days, and your time is very valuable. When you're ready for your inspection, we will book your appointment quickly (Call Us 1-888-775-1414) and after your inspection you can get your complete report, including digital color photos, online from this website.The information included in your report will be accurate and easy to digest -- and it's also detailed and thorough enough to help you reaffirm that you've made the right decisions regarding your new home.

Professional Home and Commercial Inspections

There are some folks in our business who own a flashlight and a stepladder and call themselves Home Inspectors. Don't ever hire these guys. Make sure you hire a true expert that can really guide you through the inspection process.

We are fully licensed and certified to inspect homes and commercial buildings in New Jersey. We are also in compliance with all standards and regulations, and surpass all New Jersey Requirements. We're always advancing our training and customer service so we can serve you better.

We can also assist you with Radon Measurements, Pest Inspections, and will professionally guide you through every step of your inspection. We will be there with a 'take-you-by-the-hand' approach, and answer your questions, help educate, and provide you with a thorough, detailed inspection. 

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