We Offer:
  • Radon (EPA Approved)
  • Septic Inspection
  • Air Quality
  • Combustion Gas
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024

Welcome to Sound Home Inspections

Home purchase is a major family decision.

Your home reflects your life. Home purchase is a commitment to life.

To ensure your home is safe, and inspection is required not only for insurance purposes but to ensure you and your loved ones are safe from the basement to the roof.

With over 20 years experience of home inspection evaluations, Sound Home Inspections is a leading company in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Structural knowledge and defect evaluation is an essential part of home purchase.

To evaluate any defects a qualified professional inspector is important.

Tom Morgan is President of Sound Home Inspections. His qualifications, efficiency and precision in reporting is part of the company service. This is achieved by offering a state of the art reporting system, which is printed out on site and given to the client upon completion of inspection. You have no doubts that you are receiving a professional service.

Schedule an inspection by e-mail Tom today at SoundHome@att.net, call 860-445-1236 to or you can schedule an inspection online.

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