Last Updated: Sep 21, 2024

Welcome to the Lakes Area Home Inspection & Design Website

Should you wish to contact us immediately, please feel free to call our office at (218) 736-2214. 

Lakes Area Home Inspection & Design is the premier home inspection & Design company in Central Minnesota. We have been trusted by home buyers to help them make informed buying decisions since 2004.

The founder of our company, Cory Pederson, is a member of the Minnesota Society of Housing Inspectors (MSHI), American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, and Envirmental Solutions Association. Our inspection reports conform to and exceed the ASHI® Standards of Practice. 

Please use the links to the left to learn more about home inspections, questions you should ask when searching for an inspector, and the answers that you will receive from Lakes Area Home Inspection & Design.

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