Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024

Roy Chopp

You deserve a personalized approach with one-on-one advice and answers to all of your insurance and investment questions. You can also expect service beyond your policy purchase; we'll keep you informed of any changes or new products.

Get to know our team

The insurance experts on our team are equipped with the latest information to help you better understand your policies and financial plans. You can trust them to ensure that your coverage and investments continue to meet your changing needs.

Auto - Stay on track with the right coverage for your vehicle.

Home - Get coverage for your home and everything in it.

Life - Tailor your coverage for every stage of life.

Travel - Take the right coverage with you wherever you roam.

Farm - Choose plans designed to meet the needs of Canadian farmers.

Business - Protect everything you've worked hard to achieve.

Investments - Save today for a brighter financial future.

Group - Protect your employees with group insurance and benefits plans.

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